
We will continue providing snacks to the residents of the Fox Valley Emergency Shelter in Appleton the 3rd Friday of every month.

Church Missions

Through our Sunday School program our Education Committee supports a Compassion Child named Rita who lives in Ghana, Africa. Rita was born on November 20, 2000 and she loves to draw and play and sing with her fellow classmates.

For $38 a month we help pay for food and clothing and school supplies and other necessities that allow Rita to live a full, happy, and healthy life as she moves into her adolescent years. If you would like to help support this ministry you can donate money to the Sunday School Mission Fund during our weekly offering or give during our Sunday School hour, as each teacher has an envelope to collect funds from our Sunday School attendees.

If you'd like more information on Rita you can check out the Sunday School board next to the restrooms on the lower level of the education wing. Thanks!

"Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share."
~I Timothy 6:18